Home Changes: Small Ones that Can Make You More Productive


The home is a space where you should feel comfortable, safe, and happy. Maximizing your space and creating an environment that motivates you to enjoy and get things done can be possible just by a few adjustments and changes to your décor. Here are some cool things you can do to make yourself more productive in a positive way at home.

  • Make your exteriors more inviting

While you want to be comfortable inside and have privacy, it’s also good to allow some natural light in and make the outdoors feel just as inviting as your interiors. This can be achieved only by choosing the right window blinds and making use of your outdoor space.

If you have a deck, try making use of a retractable patio shade. This makes it perfect for different weather and seasons. It also makes the patio more flexible as a place to entertain guests, have a chill moment during the afternoon, or tend some terrace plants. A simple installation like a shade you can adjust and retract can make you feel more like utilizing that space, keeping it up, and maintaining its cleanliness.

It allows you to move around more and get some fresh, natural air from within the comfort of your property. It also means you can go outside and have a breather and still decide how much cover you desire, for sun or rain protection or a layer of privacy.

  • Let there be light (and darkness)

Lighting can significantly determine the ambiance of your home and dictate your mood. Aside from the placement of your fixtures, studies have shown that the important factors in this are brightness, light color-spectrum, and light distribution.

The illuminance and hue of your bulbs are not only functional concerns for seeing things and conserving energy but also important things to take note of depending on what vibe you want to create in each particular room. Studies show they can affect both your visual requirements, your productivity, and your general mood.

The way people react to different types of light also determines their perception of the environment and the activities they will be more keen on doing.

Natural light helps lift the mood and energize the performance in general, while cooler hues incite movement and work. For areas where you want to be up and at them, combining the two would be ideal.

  • Get rid of dead space

Dead space is a common occurrence that creates awkward gaps that aren’t usable as a pathway and feel cramped or weird when trying to be filled in properly. Thankfully, this can be easily fixed by making some readjustments to furniture to make the area functional or adding new storage methods to combat the deadness of the space by freeing it up more.

A good tip is to steer clear of trying to arrange all your furniture against your walls, as this has more of a tendency to create dead space. Though this may lead to some adjustments in symmetrical designs you may have in mind, it is said to be better for the overall flow of the room and harnessing natural energy. Once you accomplish that, you’ll find that it feels better to maneuver around the house and work on things.

By creating a space that you feel productive in, you’ll find that it is also more conducive to relaxation because you are more able to develop functional areas to work and rest in properly.

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