Coronavirus Quarantine: 8 Alternative Spring Break Activities to Do at Home

woman sitting on a couch while using a laptop

With the state that the world is in right now, a lot of plans, events, and activities have either been postponed or canceled. So what should you do when Mother Nature throws a monkey wrench at your program and ruins your plans? You improvise!

We have listed several alternative spring break activities you can do at home while the world is under quarantine.

1. Take a dip in the pool.

If you have a pool in your backyard, you can swim at least once or twice a day. This makes for a great exercise, helping boost your immune system which is exactly what you need to keep the dreaded virus at bay.

If you don’t have a pool yet but are planning to have one installed, you’ll just have to wait for the quarantine to be lifted to get services for swimming pool construction in Utah, Colorado, Texas, or wherever you are in the U.S.

2. Pick up a new skill.

Since you’re already stuck at home during spring break, why don’t you just make the most out of it and invest time in upgrading yourself?

3. Get creative and do some arts and crafts.

If you have enough art supplies at home, you can work on several projects throughout the quarantine. All you need is a little creativity to get things started.

4. Start a vlog.

This is a great thing to do, especially if you want to grow your followers on social media. You can talk about anything — your day, the music you listen to, a review of a show or a movie, your arts and crafts project, and a whole lot more.

5. Marie Kondo your home.

Have you ever said that you don’t have enough time to organize and declutter? Well, now you do. Decluttering and organizing is a great and productive way of passing time at home.

6. Hold an online gaming Olympics.

If you have a console that lets you play online games or you have a gaming PC, you can contact your friends and organize an online gaming tournament. You can even give out prizes for the winners that could be claimed when all the social distancing and quarantine have been lifted.

7. Catch up on your reading.

woman reading a book on a couch

Whether it’s for leisure, work, or school, you can utilize this time to catch up on some way overdue reading. Put down your devices, grab a book, and enjoy all the wonderful and peaceful time in your nook with a book in hand.

8. Start a DIY project.

If you have a workshop in your garage or at least enough materials in your storage to work with, you can start a DIY project with woodwork, metalwork, leather crafts, or just getting things fixed around the house.

While the COVID-19 pandemic has ruined plans, it also brings opportunities for all of us to do something different. It has given us a lot of time to spend with our loved ones and time for ourselves. Let’s make the most out of it.

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