For Those Selling Their Colorado Homes, Consider Doing These Types of Repair First

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Colorado has become one of the favorite destinations for relocating Americans and immigrants in the past few years. According to Zillow, home prices increased by 2.9% since last year. In 12 months, it may rose by 5%. If people were to buy a property there, the possible price is already beyond $400,000.

For those planning to sell some of their homes in the state, now is the best time to do it. But before they get into that, they may have to do some repair, especially the following:

1. Home Foundation

A Colorado homeowner may need to work with home foundation repair contractors. Many areas in the state have clay soil, which is porous. During the rainy season, it can absorb lots of water, allowing the ground to expand. When temperatures rise, water evaporates, causing the soil to contract. These changes will eventually leave cracks, which can be dangerous to home foundations, especially those with basements.

2. Roofing

A tiny leak that’s left unfixed may be more than enough to open a floodgate of problems. One of these is the accumulation of moisture. Water can seep into the walls, and if it uses drywall, then the material may be more prone to damage.

The higher presence of water is not ideal in places, such as kitchens, basements, and bathrooms. It will increase the level of moisture, increasing the risk of mold and mildew.

A roofing problem can also worsen over time. When it exacerbates, homeowners may end up spending more for replacement.

3. Paint

If the home is in good condition, then homeowners may do some updating or repair on wall paint. This project is cheaper than the others, but it creates a significant impact on the property’s resale value. It can be as much as $6,000, depending on the color.

Painting is also an activity homeowners can undertake, provided they have enough knowledge and skill. It will further bring down the costs of the project.

4. Gutters

Besides roofing, homeowners also have to pay attention to gutters. Otherwise, water can still accumulate on the edges of the roof. It can even lead to corrosion and leaking.

Gutters may also contain vast amounts of water due to ice dams, fallen leaves, and debris, as well as animal waste. All these can weaken the strength of the gutters and even increase the likelihood of illness for future residents.

Fortunately, many roofing specialists can also repair gutters. By bundling such services, homeowners may end up paying less for two essential types of work.

5. Kitchen

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Remodeling a home can be costly, but for those who are willing to undertake it, they might as well start in the kitchen. Repairs and changes here that have a job cost of $22,000 can have a recoup rate of 80.5%. A significant upgrade can cost over $66,000, but it’s still not in vain since homeowners may get back 62.1% of it.

Minor changes can also count toward improving the property’s resale value. These include:

  • Adding a kitchen island
  • Changing the countertops to stone, such as marble or granite
  • Providing more storage
  • Swapping outdated doorknobs with brass or gold handles

Homebuyers these days may be eager to purchase a home, but they are also careful where they spend their money. With the fierce competition in real estate, homeowners can improve their advantage by doing essential repairs now.

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