Health Hazards You Might Not Realize You Have At Home

health hazards

Keeping our homes to their hygienic best is certainly one way to keep any common health issues at bay. Not only that, it provides your home the safety and comfort of having a quality lifestyle no matter how small or big your house may be. No one must underestimate the power of everyday cleaning because it truly keeps allergens and dust particles at bay, making your home a much suitable place to live for you and your family. Allergies are pretty common so regular cleaning is a must-do! Cleaning is more therapeutic than what most people perceive it to be, and it is one way to lessen the stress and workload that you face every day. It also keeps your home nice and neat, and a lot more presentable especially when unexpected guests are coming over.

Cleaning regularly also lessens the possibility of pesky critters making a home out of your trash and dirty kitchens, and will help lengthen the lifespan of most of your furniture at home. However, there are certain instances wherein we may not realize some other existing hazards in our home, no matter how meticulous our regular cleaning methods may be. Check out some of the following factors that may pose a hidden health hazard for you and your family!

Air Fresheners

Yes, even the sweetest and alluring fragrance of air fresheners can be a danger to your health! While it may certainly freshen up the atmosphere of your home by adding a sweet flavor to the air around, it could also contain harmful chemicals that you are unknowingly inhaling through your system. Air fresheners have a mix of formaldehyde, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and toluene, among others. These substances may heighten the quality of your air but it just gives your interior a kind of indoor pollution. Formaldehydes are known carcinogens—chemicals and substances that may produce cancer. Toluene is also known for contributing to developmental and reproductive toxicity, especially for people who are in a sensitive situation, such as pregnant women. Now may be the time to throw your old fresheners away, and opt for the traditional air freshening method instead: opening your windows!


Most conditioning systems typically have asbestos, wrapped around water pipes and boilers. Asbestos is also a type of carcinogenic material that may be truly dangerous when inhaled at a toxic amount. For people living in old homes or just got a renovation from one, this material may have crumbled and distributed particles throughout the house. Make sure to check and clean your dryer vents, air ducts, and even floors and ceilings with the right service provider to ensure a safe removal that won’t worsen the damage. Never get too complacent with inspecting your home by yourself, as some insulation materials can be quite mistaken for asbestos. You should let the right and reliable authorities check up your home, especially when you just went under a major renovation recently.

Beach House

Household Plants

Plants are one way to beautify and elevate your home’s ambiance, but certain species of them may be quite dangerous especially when you have little ones and furry babies in your company. There are a good number of popular household plants that are poisonous and may be dangerous for the vulnerable residents of your home. Poisoning may happen when the leaves are eaten or touched or made contact with the plant’s saps and juices. Here is a list of common plants you might consider avoiding:

  • Pothos
  • Arrowhead
  • Peace Lily
  • Dieffenbachia
  •  Philodendron
  • Caladium
  • Oleander
  • Ivy
  • Daffodil
  • Hyacinth
  • Tulip

If you already have these plants, then you may consider moving them outside or to places out of reach, and replacing them inside with the following:

  • Baby rubber plant
  • Cast-iron plant
  • Prayer plant
  • Areca palm
  • Swedish ivy
  • Wax plant
  • Moth orchid
  • Barberton daisy
  • Pot marigold
  • African violet

Brightening your interiors with these plants will truly elevate the overall appearance and ambiance of your home, minus the hazards the toxic plants would cause!

Prioritizing health and cleanliness within your property is indeed the easiest thing you can do to avoid catching potential diseases. However, you must also be careful of all the other factors that may contribute to the toxicity in your home! It’s not always about the cleaning, it’s also a matter of being aware of what materials, substances, and chemicals are embedded into every item in your home. It does not necessarily mean that you should throw them all out, though, just be sure to use them in moderation! Keep your efforts consistent in making your home and lifestyle a lot safer for you and your fellow residents.


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