How to Get Rid of Bedbugs

bed bugs

In a recent list by Orkin ranking the top 50 cities with bedbugs issues, Indianapolis got the 9th spot. The city moved up five spots from ranking 14 last year. This is based on service data collected by Orkin.

This is obviously not a good look for Indianapolis. And if you live in the city, you’d definitely want to do your part in keeping your area bedbug-free. Here’s how.

What are Bedbugs?

Bedbugs are terrible. They’re tiny insects that live off of the blood of humans or animals. Adult bed bugs have flat bodies that swell and turn red after they’ve fed. Even if these little monsters don’t fly, they can move quickly over surfaces. Female bedbugs can lay hundreds of eggs in the course of their lifetime.

Bedbug eggs are no bigger than specs of dust. Immature bedbugs are called nymphs. They shed their skins five times before they become adults. They feed on blood before each time. When they thrive, these insects can mature in a month and produce over three generations every year.

Bedbugs are excellent at getting into tiny spaces because of their flat bodies. They often hide inside mattresses, headboards, box springs, and bed frames, so they can easily creep up to you and bite you as you sleep.

Why don’t I want bedbugs in my home?

Bedbugs use their elongated beaks to puncture the skin and withdraw blood. The process takes anywhere from three to ten minutes. These bites often turn into reddish itchy welts. In some cases, bites can cause an allergic reaction.

Bloodstains and fecal spots are common on your sheets when you have bedbugs. The insects also give off strong, musty odors from their scent glands.

How do I get rid of bedbugs?

Cleaning up the places where bedbugs live is the best way to reduce their numbers.

Clean beddings, drapes, linens, and even clothing in hot water and dry them in the hottest setting in your dryer. Stuffed animals and other items that cannot be washed should also be placed in the dryer. You can also send everything to Fishers dry cleaners. These professionals will know what to do.

Scrub mattresses with a stiff brush. This will remove any attached bugs or eggs. Vacuum the bed and surrounding areas regularly. Make sure you dispose of the vacuum bag outside your home.

Encase your mattress and box springs in a cover to prevent bedbugs from coming in or out. These insects can stay alive for as long as a year without feeding.

For extreme infestations, you may want to replace your mattress. You can also employ the services of a professional exterminator to get rid of the bugs for you.

How do I prevent bedbugs from coming back?

If you want to keep bedbugs away from your home, you have to make sure you keep a clean room, free of clutter. If you have cracks on your wall or crevices that the bugs can use to hide, repair them with plaster. You should also glue down peeling wallpaper while you’re at it.

Bedbugs may not be the biggest problems in the world, but they definitely cause more trouble than their size. Learn about bedbugs and get rid of them once and for all. Hopefully, Indianapolis ranks lower in the next list.

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