How to Transform Your Interiors with 3 Clever Tricks

home interior

Sometimes, small things make a big impact. The same principle applies to interior design. Whether you’ve recently moved houses or you’re brainstorming ideas for that much-needed and much-deserved makeover, a simple paint job or installing a bathroom vanity mirror makes all the difference.

Maybe you want to redo the walls. Brighten up the living room. Or add flair and drama to your current drab decor. We have some design ideas you can turn to for inspiration:

Add a dash of green


Putting plants indoors, next to your lush leather couch or your flatscreen TV, is one of the most inexpensive and beneficial ways of adding charm and texture to your interiors. If you’re too busy to be looking after another living thing, you’d be happy to know that there are so many types of low-maintenance indoor plants.

Or you can always improvise and use outdoor garden plants. Spread small and large pots across all rooms. That will not only create a beautiful expanse of green in your home but also give you better indoor air quality.

Paint smaller rooms in lighter colours

It’s every modern homeowner’s dream to have wider, open spaces, if only by appearance. We all know that when it comes to creating the illusion of space, nothing quite works like mirrors. We have another trick for you: large windows and light-coloured walls, especially in your more crowded, smaller living quarters.

Never use dark colours if you’re aiming for that open effect. Darker colours, like grey or brown, can make a room feel boxed in even when you have mirrors and natural light coming in.

As an interior designer would tell you, painting makes or breaks the room’s overall impact. Make sure you or your professional painter knows the look you’re going for before venturing into any painting job.

(Note: natural light is excellent for any space, but it generates unwanted heat and leads harmful UV rays inside that can ruin your furniture and can also be bad for you. We suggest fitting your windows with solar window films. These films protect against UV rays and excess heat while letting natural light inside. That means you and your home are safe while enjoying natural illumination.)

Mix and match

It’s 2020. Homeowners shouldn’t be afraid of trying some mixing and matching. If done right, an innovative combination of design pieces will turn drab and boring into vibrant and stylish. An essential element of any decor is personalisation, putting little bits of your personality and story into it.

So, if you want that jade family heirloom next to your metallic vase, don’t let old rules stop you. If we’re talking fabrics, whether it’s pillows, furniture, or rugs, use various colours, textures, and patterns to bring out some life and character into the scene.

Having a small, dull space is the bane of any ambitious homeowner’s existence. But you can turn this around by finding ideas that you never would’ve learned about if you had a bigger space. These little nuggets of interior wisdom will not only reinvent what you have now but also inspire creativity for future projects.

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