Landscaping Ideas that Won’t Break the Bank


When you’re looking to get instant cash for selling houses in Indianapolis or anywhere else in the United States, it should go without saying that you need to improve a house’s look a little bit so that people would be attracted enough to buy it. But if you’re in a tight budget, there’s not enough room to do a makeover on your house.

If it’s your home, it can be doubly frustrating if you have a forest growing in your front lawn because that’s the first thing your potential buyers will get to see. If you don’t have a huge war chest for your lawn makeover, then you might want to check out these landscaping ideas that won’t put a hole in your wallet:

Group your plants

You’d be surprised at how beautiful an almost barren backyard can be by simply grouping some of your plants. You can play around with grouping plants together. But the rule of thumb in this department is to group similar plants because maintaining them is much easier.

This means that if you group plants of the same species, you’ll be grouping plants that have the same growing requirements: They all have the same water requirements, they all have the same fertilizer requirements, and they all have the same sunlight requirements.

Choose a ground cover that’s easy to maintain

turf rolls

Now that you’ve grouped some plants together, it’s time to lay the ground cover for the areas of your front lawn or backyard where you won’t be filling with your ornamental plants. Grass is expensive to grow and maintain since you need an awful large amount of water and fertilizer to take care of it. Instead of using grass to cover your lawn and backyard, choose something else.

You can choose among bishop’s weed, thyme, or lamium because these plants are easy to maintain. They can survive even dry seasons. Another advantage of these plats is that they can spread quickly across your lawn. You can cover a lot of areas in your backyard quickly without spending too much.

Use homemade compost

Mulch, coffee grounds, and even some of your leftovers can be used as your plants’ potting soil. Using potting soil along is expensive. What you can do is to use some of your leftovers or mulch, add them to a small amount of potting soil, and use the mixture to put your plant in.

You can also use sphagnum moss, peat, bark, calcined clay, perlite, vermiculite, sand, and even animal waste for your plant’s potting soil. The great thing about soil-less mixtures is that they’re more aerated, coarser, and larger than soil particles, which means that they can let more air in and have better drainage. They’re healthier for plants.

Decorate your garden with stones

Japanese gardens are the epitome of serenity and elegance. But when you look at most of their designs, they all look so minimalistic. With the use of pebbles, some sand, some rocks, and a few plants, they can turn a backyard into a serene garden fit for a meditating monk.

You can do the same with your own garden, just do a little research online and look for beautiful garden designs utilizing rocks and apply it to your own backyard. You’ll have a garden that will be the envy of your neighbors in no time.

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