Best Man Wedding Duties: The Ultimate Checklist

groomsmen and the best man

Becoming a best man is an honor, and with that honor comes a lot of responsibility. You need to do many things to prepare for your role as best man — some things that happen before the wedding, some during, and some after.

But if you’re aware of all these responsibilities and take the time to prepare for them, you’ll be able to successfully execute your duties and make the day run smoothly for everyone involved.

If you’ve been asked to be the best man, congratulations! Here are your official responsibilities as best man:

group of men having a Bachelor's Party

1. Organize the Bachelor’s Party

If you’re going to be in charge of the bachelor party, make sure everyone involved is on board with your plan. Make a list of what needs to be done and who’s going to do it.

Plan a bucks party on a cruise and make sure travel plans of all groom’s friends are coordinated so nobody misses their flight.

2. Get The Tuxedos

Before anything else, find out from the groomsmen if they have their own tuxes or need help getting one. This is usually what the bachelor party will entail–getting everyone dressed up in their best attire.

Make sure you’ve checked that all groomsmen are coming to this, too! And since they’re wearing suits, make sure yours fits properly — no wrinkles or stains!

3. Rehearsal Dinner Invitations

Once you know when the rehearsal dinner is taking place, notify everyone via text to forget. The rehearsal dinner is the last chance you’ll get to see people before the big day, but there’s still work to be done.

4. Show up Early on Wedding Day

If you’re the best man and somehow not in charge of all of this, make sure to show up early! The day will be hectic — probably the most chaotic since the groom has one less person to organize everything.

So, give him a break by showing up to wherever he needs you (and checking in with the officiant) before anyone else gets there.

5. Make Sure All Groomsmen Are There

Of course, make sure all groomsmen are present at their designated places before bridesmaids arrive. If they don’t show up, text them or drive to their houses — it’s your job because you’re the best man!

If someone is late, it’s your job to let the officiant know or have someone else do it if you are not yet there yourself.

6. Hand Out Programs

Hand out programs to everyone at the ceremony about 5-10 minutes before it starts so guests can read them while they’re waiting — but only after confirming with the bride that she already has all of them printed!

Matching programs with wedding invitations is a nice touch, too, especially if you’ve designed both.

7. Sit Near Groom

If you’re sitting in alphabetical order during the ceremony, make sure to sit near the groom and not somewhere in the middle where his father will be sitting.

That spot should go to his parents and then siblings and then anyone else who’s important enough to be awarded it.

8. Make Sure the Best Man Speech is Ready

Make sure you know what to say, how long your speech is, and where you’re supposed to stand on the day of the wedding before any rehearsal takes place!

There’s nothing worse than getting caught off-guard with an unexpected question that leaves you fumbling for words or rushing through your speech because there’s no time left.

9. Hand Out Wedding Favors

If the couple has wedding favors, pass them out to guests during the reception so everyone can take one home after they leave!

Make sure people don’t walk away empty-handed — weddings are all about celebrating this couple joining their lives together, so make sure everybody has something to commemorate it.

10. Thank Everyone

Once the reception is over, make sure to thank all the vendors you worked with throughout the process, even if they were difficult. It’s important for everyone who helped out to know that they are appreciated and valued — this way, they’ll want to work with you again in the future.

After all of that…relax! The couple chose you to be their best man for a reason, so have fun being part of the wedding party. Celebrate this new beginning with them and cheer them on as they start something brand new together.

That’s all there is to it! As long as you show up early, prepare your speech ahead of time, make sure everything runs smoothly on the day of the wedding and enjoy yourself — you’ll be an excellent best man.

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