Business Ideas You Can Consider for 2021

freelance worker

2020 had been a challenging year. Every business, big and small alike, dived due to the global pandemic, which hit hard since the first quarter of 2020. The year 2021 looks promising as entrepreneurs are now seeing improvements in the business industry despite the hard collapse of economies in the previous year. The shift to virtual transactions by many consumers had been quite sudden, but it has also paved the way for better business transactions and operations for many enterprises.

With the new developments in business that the pandemic has influenced, many entrepreneurs are looking forward to setting up and start their businesses anew. Here are some concepts that may prove invaluable for those who are still looking for new business ideas.

Online Selling


Statistics show that more and more people are now buying online. This is good news for entrepreneurs who wish to adapt to the new trends of doing business. Almost everything can be sold online — from clothing to household furniture to car accessories and just about anything that consumers want in their daily lives. Professionals can even sell their services online and serve a broad market via virtual means.

Online retailing can be done as a side hustle or as a full-time business. It can be started with or without capital and with or without a website. A going trend online called drop shipping allows people to start their online reselling business without capital. They only need to market the products online, and they get a commission for every sale they make.

Courier Services

Couriers are getting busy despite the pandemic. Since the start of COVID-19, delivery services have become even more critical as more people turn to online shopping. While other business ventures are temporarily closing, those in the courier business are gaining more transactions, proving that this type of enterprise is highly profitable. Entrepreneurs who want to start a courier business can start with a shoestring budget, and they can avoid paying for rent since they can start their business in the comfort of home.

Spray Booths

Businesses that require little capital are the best concepts to go these days. Automotive paint booths are great investments as they can be started and operated without breaking the bank. They can be managed at home and can be done on a part-time basis. They may even be launched as an additional mode of business in automotive shops. Apart from cars, spray booths can also be used to paint other items.

Online Copywriting

writing a blog

Writing blogs, online press releases, and web content is a promising startup business that can be done at home. Like many other online businesses, this can be done with little to no capital investment. Just a laptop or desktop, a reliable internet connection, and excellent writing skills are required for this type of business.

Cleaning Services

These are specific businesses that require little overhead. A cleaning service can serve the locality or branch out to nearby neighborhoods for a broader market and better profits. Cleaning services are skill-based and can be done with just a few staff members who know how to clean a house or commercial property. Dedication to the task at hand, a little bit of marketing prowess, and getting the right cleaning supplies and the correct type of transportation are just the things required to start this profitable venture.

Online Bookkeeping

With many businesses now shifting to virtual transactions, online bookkeeping is becoming a global trend as well. Accountants and bookkeepers who no longer want to serve in traditional offices or who want to start small with their own bookkeeping business can start online. They can offer their expertise virtually with little capital as long as they have a computer and strong internet connection. This business can be done part-time or full-time.

App Developer

This is another venture that can be done from the comforts of home. The advent of technology and the continuing rising popularity of the Internet and virtual transactions have made application development an increasing business trend among online retailers and e-commerce businesses. An app developer can work with all types of businesses online. Their skills are essential for those who want to grow their business and keep up with the fierce competition within the Internet realm.

2020 may not have been a good year for businesses, but it has also paved the way for better developments in 2021. This year, with transactions taking a shift from offline or traditional means to online and virtual operations, more people can now open their own businesses without having to worry about budget restrictions.

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