Entrepreneurship Tips

freelance worker

Business Ideas You Can Consider for 2021

2020 had been a challenging year. Every business, big and small alike, dived due to the global pandemic, which hit hard since the first quarter of 2020. The year 2021 looks promising as entrepreneurs are now seeing improvements in the business industry despite the hard collapse of economies in the previous year. The shift to

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payment concept

Diversifying Payments: How Different Payment Structures Can Help Your Small Business

There are about 32 million businesses in the US. About 99% of these businesses are small businesses with less than one hundred employees. These businesses are reliant on the revenues they make annually to keep their businesses afloat. Many of these businesses rely on their clients to pay on time because it could ruin their financials down the

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freelancer working

3 Business Ideas You Can Start at Home

When people think about opening a business, they usually envision developing products, opening a store or office, hiring employees, and everything in between. But you don’t have to do all of that to become an entrepreneur. Sometimes, all you need is a good idea and lots of hard work. You can even open your own

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small business

3 Factors that Affect Small-business Success

Many people assume that large corporations and multinational conglomerates mostly support the economy, and it’s easy to see why. We’re reminded of their presence and influence in advertising campaigns and business news channels. However, large companies only make up 0.3 percent of all businesses in the United States. The real bedrock of our economy is

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man smiling

Why It Is Time to Be Your Own Boss

Even before the coronavirus outbreak happened, people were already planning to leave corporate America for self-employment. One study said that 27 million Americans will be their own boss by 2020. That number will rise next year as more Americans start their own businesses because of the instability and insecurity in the job market. Another report

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