Common Myths About Air Conditioning

air condition

Homeowners find it easier to take care of their air-conditioning units because of the availability of online resources. However, this also led to the prevalence of some myths about taking care of their units.

Finding the Right Temperature

Some people think that changing the temperature each time that they leave the house won’t have any significant impact on their energy bill. On the contrary, it helps to reduce your consumption when your HVAC unit reflects the temperature outside. You should consider lowering the thermostat during winter and increasing it during summer. Even when you plan to leave your house for a few hours, that amount of time could already spell the difference for your energy consumption.

You can install an automatic thermostat if you don’t like to monitor the indoor temperature regularly. A programmable one also lets you set a certain temperature during specific times of the day and night. You should only consider turning off the air-conditioning system if you plan on being away for several days.

Regular Maintenance

When was the last time you hired a contractor to inspect your unit? There is a common misconception that routine inspection only wastes your time and money, but regular maintenance will be among the possible things that a maintenance specialist will ask you to determine its condition.

If you live in Utah, the cost of regular AC repair in Salt Lake City will be cheaper if you regularly have it checked for potential problems. In fact, the same applies whether or not you live in another state. An annual tune-up would only cost between $80 and $100, and that’s a preferable amount than spending on a replacement that might cost thousands of dollars for central cooling units.

Is It Energy-efficient?

fixing air conditioner unit

Another common myth involves an air-conditioning unit’s energy efficiency, which causes some homeowners to think that it will reduce their electric bill. Even if you have an energy-efficient unit, the actual savings will depend on the size of your home and the unit’s size. Look for products that have the Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) rating that should be at least 13 for air conditioners. A higher rating will cost more, but it’s also more energy-efficient at the same time.

If possible, consider buying an appliance that has an Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) rating. This refers to the unit’s ability to adapt with 95 degrees and 80 degrees for indoor and outdoor temperatures, respectively. You could spend at least $3,500 to replace a central air-conditioning system, including the cost of installation. It’s often cheaper to schedule a replacement during the months in spring or fall. This is the off-peak season for most contractors.

In the end, while the availability of online sources makes it easier for you to take care of your cooling and heating unit, there’s nothing more certain than consulting an HVAC professional to determine the right solution for your air-conditioning problem. Expert advice, even when it costs you, will be better than being misinformed about HVAC maintenance.

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