Cool Things to Do When You’re Cooped Indoors During Winter

staying at home

You know that winter will be officially over in a month or so. We’ll get to enjoy sunny days, afternoon breeze, and blossoming flowers. You can hide your boots and down jackets for the next winter season. You’ll get to lounge on the patio with only a light jacket on. But those are at least a month away. For now, you’re cooped up indoors and bored out of your wits for a lack of better things to do.

Instead of mindlessly staring at your home’s gas fireplace in Salt Lake City for that matter, why not make yourself productive? This is the best time of year to do some house projects or just spend time reading a good book or binge-watching TV shows. Once spring and summer hit, you’ll be up on your feet and out the door again. Take this time to clean the house, organize your stuff, and do DIY projects.

Home Improvements

Isn’t this the best time to go tinkering around the house? You can drill pegs on your wall and hang photo frames. You can clean your closet and make room for better things. Yes, please do declutter sessions with your clothes and shoes. It’s time to figure out the things you should give away come spring. Treat this as a pre-spring cleaning session. You’ll get a lot of work done because you’re staying home anyway. And since you don’t have the energy to walk or drive to the gym, this is your workout for now.


This is also the best time to learn about taking care of house plants. Start with succulent plants. They make such great houseplants. They are easy to maintain and a joy to look at. You can use succulent plants as your table centerpiece. Taller plants can be put in the corner of the room to add depth and character to your house. You can hang plants from your patio’s ceiling or by the kitchen windowsill. And since you’re staying indoors, houseplants will clean the indoor air from toxins and other airborne contaminants.


Organize your documents. Do you have your income tax returns from five years ago? It’s time to let go of those. Even the IRS suggests keeping your tax documents for at least three years. They won’t go so far as audit your tax records five years ago. You can throw those away to make room for more of your paper bills. As for bills, it’s time to go paperless. Save the environment, yes, but also save yourself from all the clutter.

Movie Night

movie night

Schedule a movie night with your friends. Invite your friends or family to have some beer and chips while watching a Netflix movie. This is your Super Bowl Sunday in the dead cold of winter. It’s going to be surely fun to look back at how you’re all bundled up in blankets.

Homemade Food

You’re indoors most of the time anyway. Why not learn a new dish or bake some chocolate chip cookies? There’s nothing like satisfying your cravings to be more productive while at home. Who knows, maybe you’d be so good at it you could make a business out of it.

Staying indoors during the winter season doesn’t have to be so boring and uninspiring. You can do a lot of things at home without having to spend a penny. Make the most out of it because when spring and summer come, you’ll only want to lounge by the beach and have a picnic in the park.

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