Customers You Want to Avoid and How to Handle Them


As much as businesses would want to attract plenty of customers of all kinds, some inevitable mishaps and issues can crop up when a bad seed filters in. That is especially tricky in the digital landscape, where transactions are no longer done face to face. It can be disruptive to smooth operations and affect how your business moves forward with other consumers. So it’s essential to watch out for some notable red flags and how best to deal with each situation.

Return Fraudsters

There are several ways that scammers can make a fraudulent return to get cash or reimbursed for a perfectly good product. On top of that, many people commit a variation of warranty fraud, making it more relevant to make use of warranty management technology to ensure that you are dealing with returns and repairs properly. This automated system can help you identify whether the item in question is still under warranty and whether the problem is within the terms. From there, necessary materials and sections are set to run.

This same database can be applied to reverse logistics, helping you track inventory and customer history to pinpoint excessive or fraudulent returns. Data from the National Retail Federation shows that over a fourth of sellers have noted a significant increase in fraudulent returns in recent years, especially regarding online purchases that have a brick-and-mortar location.

Bogus Buyers

care salesman and customers

A lot of online-based shops that don’t make use of third-party selling platforms are often at risk at attracting “buyers” that order a product, opt for cash on delivery, outbid other consumers, then end up not paying for the item at all. Even though you can always post buyer guidelines on your page, the best way to combat this is to make use of payment portals that are secure and encrypted. That adds a layer of protection, ensuring that you get your payment and get notifications when transactions clear before you ship out any goods.

Some studies suggest that providing a cash-on-delivery option as your primary payment option can even result in 40% more returns while still costing you more for courier fees and being dependent on whether your item is received.

Lazy Readers

Most online shoppers are mindful of the information you provide, using this as a way to make their purchase decisions and convert them into paying customers. However, there are still a big enough number of individuals who don’t thoroughly read through descriptions. The problem with this is that they may purchase an item that may not be what they are looking for or has different specifications and features than what they expected. From there, they may likely leave a bad review. After all, statistics show that customers who have a negative experience are 21% more likely to leave feedback than those with a positive one.

Even if the basis of their negative perception may be off, other consumers will still take note of their review. The best way to deal with this is to have a concise description that isn’t riddled with unnecessary details and to keep track of your reviews diligently so that you can respond accordingly.

With these in mind, you’ll be more aware of what kind of customers you might encounter. If you know how to handle them, your business can sail more smoothly online.

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