How Recycling is Helping People During the Pandemic

man carrying a recycling bin

The world is currently battling a global pandemic caused by the COVID-19 virus. The highly contagious disease prompted governments around the world to quarantine its citizens and shut down most movements within communities.

In times like these, recycling is the homeowner and the private business’s best friend, allowing them to stay at home more often, reduce the risk of contaminating their spaces, and helping our front-line workers reduce their risk of contamination as well. Waste and recycling equipment are vital in preventing contagious diseases from spreading in urban centers.

Here are some ways the recycling industry is doing its part in helping out during a pandemic:

Recycling Means Fewer Products from the Outside Entering Your Home

One of the risks that the COVID-19 pandemic poses is that the virus that causes the sickness could stay on surfaces for hours, sometimes even days, on end. This means that homeowners and private businesses need to limit the amount of outside goods that they put on their shelves.

Of course, this is difficult, considering most items we buy in markets and shops come pre-packaged and are usually handled by multiple people across several locations. Normally, this wouldn’t pose a problem; however, during a pandemic, this is problematic because it increases the chances of contamination.

By recycling, both homeowners and private businesses are able to reduce the number of pre-packaged products they bring into their spaces, thereby reducing the risk of contamination by the virus. Of course, any product you purchase should still be disinfected once it reaches your home; however, recycling makes this process easier.

large plot of land

Recycling is Helping the Manufacturing Industry

Normally, certain industries use recycled materials to augment their supply chains. However, in times of a pandemic, and essentially citywide lockdowns, these supply chains are understandably interrupted.

By recycling, homeowners and private businesses are able to help the manufacturing industry sustain their business, not to mention help them in their creation of emergency supplies and basic needs for all.

However, even in a pandemic, people should still follow best recycling practices, which means recycling dry, loose, and clean materials, and clearly marking hazardous or potentially contaminated wastes so that waste collectors can stay safe, too.

Recycling Helps Protect Our Waste Collectors Against the Virus

One of the most underappreciated frontline workers during a pandemic are waste collectors. Their jobs are just as vital in containing a pandemic as healthcare workers, especially in large, urban centers.

This means that your neighborhood garbage collectors constantly put themselves at risk whenever they go around to collect waste. But by recycling, businesses and homes can help waste collectors reduce their risk of contamination by limiting the amount of hazardous or contaminated waste that they might encounter.

Waste collectors were one of the unsung victims of the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic, with thousands of waste collectors dying during the initial outbreak. Thankfully, our country has recognized the efforts of our brave other frontliners with most cities providing our waste collectors with protective equipment to help keep them safe. However, it wouldn’t hurt to help by making their jobs a little easier.

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