Keep Serving Coffee amidst the Pandemic

owners at a cafe

To say that coffee is the lifeblood of modern society is not a gross exaggeration. 52% of Kiwis “will go out of their way” for a good cup of coffee.

Whether it’s brewed at home or bought from a mobile coffee cart, hot or cold, black or white, coffee is the fuel that keeps people going in the morning, the miracle energy boost that some have grown dependent on.

Drinking coffee isn’t a modern practice. It started in the year 850 when the Ethiopians discovered the “coffee baerry.” As it continues to evolve and adapt to recent times, coffee drinking today is as accessible and as high in demand as ever.

Here’s the challenge for cafe owners: with the pandemic restrictions in place and many businesses getting shut down, many coffee drinkers are missing their regular latte from their favorite local coffee shop. Other than high-quality products, customers value proximity and convenience. Right now is the best time to get creative, ease consumer anxiety, and keep serving your regular customers.

Here are some ideas on how to let people know you’re available and ready:

Spice Up Your Menu

Starbucks’ Pumpkin Spice Latte, Tim Hortons’ Iced Capp, Dunkin Donuts’ Peppermint Mocha – what do they have in common? Exclusivity. People love these concoctions because they’re creative, sometimes limited, and exclusive.

Originality works. If you want to stand out, serve coffee tailored to your brand and too good to resist. Create buzz around it by marketing it across your social channels, sending email blasts, and making sure people know your drinks are up for grabs.


Focus on Ambiance

The ambiance is a make-or-break factor in customers’ coffee decisions. People go to your shop not just for the coffee; they’re in it for the whole experience. Capitalize on this by creating a one-of-a-kind ambiance that’s true to your brand aesthetic. Are you more the bean-bags-specials-on-a-chalk-board type? Or are you going for a more industrial, minimalist appeal? Think about the image you want to create and incorporate design elements that would help you send that message, including lighting, choice of furniture, the flooring type, down to the mugs.

Market It

Since the pandemic started, people have flocked to the internet for everything. Shopping, socialization, workouts, even education, are all done online. Now that you’ve got a product (a great one, at that), it’s now time to present it where your customers likely are: Facebook, Instagram, Google search. Digital marketing has never been more useful. And if you don’t know the first thing about digital marketing, reach out to marketers who can do all the hard work for you.

For content, visuals are everything. Use high-resolution, eye-catching images that make your coffee menu impossible to resist. Offer coupons if you’re feeling generous, keep your followers updated on new items on the menu or any rewards program you’re launching.

Getting the word out about your cafe online is the most effective way to attract coffee lovers.

These are trying times. As a cafe owner, be aware of how this is affecting your business and how you can overcome it by being creative, focus-experienced, and effective in your marketing.

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