The Negative Impact of Low Temperatures on Office Productivity

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As a business owner, you want your employees to be as productive as possible. But did you know that your office’s temperature can significantly impact how well your team performs? Here are five ways that low temperatures can negatively affect office productivity—and what you can do to mitigate the effects.


If your office is too cold, employees will call in sick more often. Expect this as average winter temperatures in the United States reach around 33 Fahrenheit. Studies have found that cold and absenteeism are related and can add up quickly—especially if you have a large team. And when employees are out sick, it’s not just their productivity that suffers; it’s also the productivity of their teammates, who have to pick up the slack.

Concentration Problems

Concentrating is key in trying to power through a report or develop an innovative new idea. But when the temperature dips, it becomes more challenging to focus on the task. So if you want your team to be able to do their best work, it’s essential to keep the temperature at a comfortable level.


When people are cold, they’re more likely to get cranky, leading to conflict between coworkers. In addition, if someone feels like they’re constantly being left out in the cold (literally), they may start to feel resentful towards their teammates—which can create an uncomfortable and unproductive work environment. Not only that, but conflict can also lead to absenteeism; if people dread coming to work because they know they’ll end up arguing with their coworkers, they’re much more likely to call in sick.

Health Problems

Over time, exposure to cold weather can lead to serious health problems, such as frostbite and hypothermia. And while these conditions may seem rare, they’re much more common than you think. For example, some construction workers in the United States have experienced frostbite and hypothermia. Unfortunately, this affects their overall morale and productivity.

As you can see, low office temperatures can seriously impact productivity. If you want your team to be more productive, start implementing these options for your office:

A radiator that is plugged in


Heating is an essential investment for every office that experiences the cold of winter. Thankfully, you have a few options for heating your office. Here are some of them.


Fireplaces are great for offices that want to feel like home. So, if you have a common room and want it to have a rustic look, consider installing a custom fireplace. There are many benefits to having a fireplace in your office. One, it’s a great source of heat. But it also provides a place for employees to gather and relax. Also, fireplaces don’t require electricity, unlike other heat sources, so you’ll save on your energy bill.


Radiators are one of the most common ways to heat an office. This is because they’re relatively inexpensive and they’re easy to install. Plus, they can be used to heat individual rooms or entire floors. So radiators are a good option if you’re looking for an affordable way to heat your office.

Space Heater

Space heaters are small and easy to transport, which makes them perfect for offices with limited space. So if you’re looking for a quick and easy way to warm up your office, consider investing in a few space heaters.

HVAC System

If you want to ensure your employees are always comfortable, install an HVAC system in your office. Not only will this keep your team warm in the winter, but it will also keep them cool in the summer.

Of course, not every business can afford to install an HVAC system. But investing in a quality HVAC system is an excellent place to start if you’re looking for ways to improve office productivity.

Warm Beverages

Providing your employees with warm beverages is a great way to boost office morale and keep everyone comfortable. So ma e sure you have a kettle or coffee machine in the office, and stock up on hot chocolate, tea, and coffee.

Encourage Dress Code

Encouraging employees to dress for the weather is a simple way to keep everyone comfortable. If you don’t have a dress code, now is the time to implement one. And if you already have a dress code, ensure it’s appropriate for the current weather conditions.

For example, encourage your team to wear layers if it’s cold outside. This will help them stay warm without being too bulky or uncomfortable.

The bottom line is that low office temperatures can hurt productivity. So if you want your team to be more productive, ensure the temperature in your office is comfortable. Implementing a few of these heating options will go a long way in keeping your employees happy and healthy—and more productive.

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