Quick Curb Appeal Improvement Ideas to Attract Homebuyers


We tend a put a lot of thought to the interiors when we’re selling our house. After all, the new owners will spend most of their time indoors, so it’s just reasonable to spruce it up dramatically. But have we ever given the same thought to the exteriors, particularly the curb?

Potential home-buyers may obsess over expertly designed interiors, but the curb is the first thing they’ll see when they do an ocular inspection, so no matter how pretty the house’s interiors are, it has low chances of selling if the curb appeal is poor.

So here are some curb appeal improvement ideas if the house you’re selling lacks it yet:

1. Incorporate Security

Potential home-buyers would love to be assured that they’ll be secure if they choose your house. Therefore, install durable and visually-appealing metal fence gates to increase security and enhance the house’s aesthetics at the same time. Having gates is still essential even if your neighborhood is generally safe, as it adds privacy and keeps pets and children from sneaking out of the property.

2. Mow the Lawn

You don’t need to splurge for a grand landscape design. Simple mowing your lawn can already spruce up your property to a great deal, with its tidy and well-maintained look. Don’t forget to trim your shrubs, too.

3. Plant Flowers

A flower bed by the curb adds more life and character to the house. Get advice from your local gardener about in-season blooms before buying. Flowering plants are inexpensive, but they make a house look fancier.

4. Replace an Old Mailbox and Rusting Hardware

A rusting mailbox and hardware give the impression of a haunted house, and even if it may seem silly to be scared of them in real life, it could be a mutual fear of people who are fond of horror movies, and a handful of them might be a potential buyer. On the other hand, to those that don’t associate rusting hardware to a state of being haunted, it might give them an impression of an ill-maintained property, instead. Both possibilities are obviously unfavorable, so invest in a new set of modern hardware and an attractive mailbox.

5. Clean the Roof and Gutters

Roofs represent the longevity of the house. Avail a roof and gutter cleaning service to give these crucial exterior components a fresh new look, and afterwards, consider having it professionally inspected. Proof of a roof inspection can earn you bonus points from potential buyers, as it gives them an assurance they’ll be living in a well-maintained home.

Painting walls6. Repaint the Exterior Walls and Front Door

If the exterior’s paintwork has already lost its freshness, give them a fresh coat of paint, including the front door. Go forĀ “safe” color options for the front door, such as white, gray, or anything that matches the color palette of the exteriors. You can also go bold and use brighter hues to intrigue buyers; it’s all up to you and what you think is universally appealing.

7. Clear Out Walkways and Driveways

When freshened up, walkways and driveways don’t just add function to your exteriors, but also enhance aesthetic quality. Consider upgrading from a concrete driveway to raked gravel to add more allure, but if that won’t be an economical decision, simply pressure-wash it and the walkway. If yours is a blacktop driveway, coat it with sealant.

These quick curb appeal improvement ideas can rack up the value of your house and increase its chances of getting sold fast. Do them before listing it to the market, and wait for multiple agents recommending your house to their clients.

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