A Beginner’s Guide to Building Momentum as a Freelance Writer

SEO and content

With the rise of remote work across the international market, freelancing has been a source of sustenance for most individuals. Since most businesses in the country and around the world have been laying off employees, especially when the overall sales of most companies have started to take a plunge, these employees will need to look for a source of income. Freelancing has been the answer for most of these employees.


Freelancers also vary in a wide variety of professions. Different industries will often have freelancers in the form of letting agents, repair contractors, and photographers who are working without a company and at their own pace and time. But a good majority of those that are working remotely is in content creation. Contrary to what most people think, a lot of freelancers make a generous amount of funds.

One form of freelancing work that most people want to get into is writing. Since marketing, advertisements, and blog posts are at the forefront of most websites, having a captivating and engaging article can ensure that readers are drawn in. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) has also been a burgeoning industry that requires writers with a good amount of skill in predicting the right keywords and topics. Websites and companies vie for views, visibility, and marketing in the digital world, especially when 75% of online traffic is on search engines.

As long as you have a steady connection, you won’t have to worry about where you are in the world. But the world of writing, especially freelance writing, isn’t as forgiving as most people think it would be.

Nonetheless, we’re here to help you clear up any doubts that you might have and help you gain momentum as a freelance writer.

Why Freelance Writing?

Freelance work is quite different from the traditional means of doing work. Compared to an office work where a person will have to do shift through data, numbers, and information, a writer will need to be more creative with this type of information.

Compared to having full-time work were you have to come in eight hours every day, being a freelance writer means that you’ll be flexible with your amount of hours. Of course, you might have to let your employer know that you’re working that day, but as long as you finish your quota of words or limit within the same day, then you’re in the clear. Ultimately, this will depend on how your client and employer will operate and what you have agreed on.

Most freelancers can also choose the amount of workload that they’re assigned each day. Full-time writers will usually have a workload of around three articles in a day, on-call writers will need to write about two to five pieces in a week, and part-time writers around two items each day.

Building Momentum

One of the significant benefits of most freelancing platforms is that you can quickly build your momentum. Most of the time, these platforms are designed to resemble a CV so that potential clients and employers will be able to see your strong suits. Clients can leave constructive feedback on the profiles of these freelancers were other people can see as well.

Choosing Between General Writing and Specialised Writing


Your reputation as a writer will determine what type of articles and niches you want to write about. Individual writers will focus on writing in a certain kind of niche and industry while there are writers who can write for a variety of different topics and industries.

Different types of writing will have their advantages and disadvantages. The early years of the writing career will usually be the determining factor in the writing a person will have.

Being Creative

In writing, creativity, ideas, and topics are the lifeblood of the writing career. Most of the time, writers will need to set aside at least 30 minutes to an hour in thinking of topics to write about. Having feasible ideas will ensure that it will engage readers and stand out from a sea of similar ideas.

If needed, learn from your previous writing experiences. If you have experience and knowledge from a particular type of industry, it will carry over to this industry.

Creating a Portfolio

Hiring processes will usually focus on the skill that individuals will have. For a profession like writing, you will need to let your portfolio speak for you. Having a comprehensive collection of different writing styles, topics, and a wide array of materials can help propagate your career in writing.

As long as you have the rights to the article, you can also use it as part of your online portfolio.

There’s a whole industry that’s dedicated to freelance writing, and people will pay a generous amount of funds. But it is also an industry that’s quite labour-intensive, and you will have to prove yourself professionally through the works that you’ve done. With these tips, you’ll be able to propagate your career in freelance writing.

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