Business Trends in the Pandemic: Which Movements are Catching Fire at the Right Time

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Customers have always been trying to get the best deals out of the pandemic. Companies and other businesses have been trying to provide them with quality service despite the situation, and it’s led to deals and promotions meant to spark a buying spree.

Whether your company is dealing in products and services, you might have used such a tactic one way or another. For instance, let’s say you run a business that sends experienced HVAC technicians to households that need them. You might couple it with a coupon for discounts on their next service or a loyalty discount for repeat transactions. These are services that people need, so you won’t have a hard time trying to run your business.

What you just used can be filed under the ways businesses are trying to make the most out of emerging trends during the pandemic. Which of these might be true? Take a look and see if you’ve been doing them unknowingly.

Online Hangouts Have Become Big

Zoom and wine are two completely different things, but it makes sense that they’re growing together. To put that into perspective, alcoholic beverage sales have grown by 55% in late March last year, while Zoom has tracked their growth to the tune of $4 billion in 3 months last year.

That growth could be attributed to the pandemic. People have been in lockdown last year, and there are parts that are still receiving shelter-in-place recommendations. With nothing to do, friends and loved ones are reaching out to each other. A glass of wine or two is a welcome companion to that, and that may be behind the growth of these two.

While not looking at the business side of things, people have driven this kind of sales figure. It’s incredible to see considering the state of most businesses during the pandemic.

Social Media Fueling Business Diversions

The lockdown has driven most people to a hermit lifestyle, in a way. They’ve been staying in their homes and, while some are slowly coming out of their homes, a vast majority with fear of the virus have been preferring to stay at home.

COVID-19 has indeed forced people’s buying habits to adapt. When shopping centers re-open, some expect these to be relatively spacious because of more people preferring to shop online. This has keen business insiders thinking that the future of shopping might drastically be altered.

While brick-and-mortar stores and mom-and-pop operations are in immediate danger, it can be easily resolved by pairing these stores with online kiosks or even shifting their presence entirely online.

Cybersecurity May Become a Profitable Niche

Due to an increasing reliance on online transactions, people have gravitated towards stronger cybersecurity measures. It isn’t just online shopping that has gained drastic popularity with the COVID-19 pandemic. There are other transactions like businesses transferring most of their workforce home.

While people have started working at home, online scammers have also started working overtime. In Australia, a total of more than $700,000 have been lost to these online scammers. Companies have started reviewing their policies and have added extra layers of protection because of this.

More People Started Getting Involved in their Affairs

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When people start clearing up their affairs, these are usually documentation like wills and trust variation documents. Both of these have seen an increase that’s more than 700% and 200%. Chalk it up to the amount of time people have while staying at home, but it’s a bit morbid to be talking about this, especially under the pandemic.

It might be more of because of the amount of free time people have had for the first time in the longest. They see the opportunity to do this — even digitally — and they’re going to make the most out of it.

Part-Time and Flexible Remote Work

Part-time and flexible jobs have already been done by people even before the pandemic. There are those taking extra jobs at their local groceries or anywhere near their home which has the sign “help wanted” up.

During the pandemic, that has transitioned to work-from-home jobs which can be done for a short time. The thing here is that you can take as many as you want — there are other tasks which can be completed and be paid for exactly on the same day.

These are just the tip of the iceberg when talking about business trends that have become popular during the pandemic. Check out these tips for useful advice and figure out whether you’ve already been doing some of these, or they’ve given you useful ideas.

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