
Home with wide lawn

How Much Should You Spend on Lawn Aeration in Salt Lake City?

The average cost of lawn aeration in Salt Lake City costs around $60 when you hire a contractor. Most homeowners hire a contractor to fertilize the soil and save money on labor fees. A regularly aerated lawn prevents pest infestation, which can happen due to standing water. However, weed growth can likely occur after aeration […]

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pathway leading to a cottage garden

For Your Inspiration: 3 ‘Rules’ for Designing a Cottage Garden

Cottage gardens are your best bet if you want an outdoor space that’s more relaxed and laid-back. Unlike formal gardens, these don’t require meticulous details. No strict spacing of plants. Less emphasis on symmetry and straight-cut lines and forms. No need for perfect maintenance of hedges. It’s essentially a freeform style. Yet, it’s no easier

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Why You Can’t Keep Raccoons As Pets

Like humans, raccoons are attracted to three things: food, shelter, and water. And your home provides them access to all of these items. Movies and television have always portrayed raccoons as cunning and smart creatures. They’re also famous for being sneaky and quirky. But those masked-like creatures will no longer look cute the moment you

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What to Do When Your Car Breaks Down

When your car breaks down, there are some things you need to consider first before you decide to bring it to a dealership or an independent repair shop. Going to one rather than the other might cost you more or not fix your vehicle completely. Points to consider Before you think of bringing your broken

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Woman checkin on quality of output

How has 3D Laser Scanning Improved Land Surveying?

Before buildings were constructed, people had to conduct surveys to study the land: its boundaries, precise measurement, topography, slopes, and the location of nearby existing infrastructure. The builders would then plan the project based on the data gathered from the survey. These land surveys took weeks, even months to finish, depending on the size of

How has 3D Laser Scanning Improved Land Surveying? Read More

shipping truck

Shipping Hazards and Risks To Avoid

Transporting goods through the seas and oceans has been a significant part of human history ever since the first ships were made. Shipping of goods and products has paved the way for international trade and has even affected nations’ growth and even conflicts. But, history lesson aside, the shipping industry constantly faces natural and human-made

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Cementitious Waterproofing

Why Everyone Uses Cementitious Waterproofing

Concrete is one of the most common construction materials as it’s affordable and durable. However, they are porous, and water can penetrate concrete causing damage and deterioration, which is why waterproofing of concrete buildings and structures is essential to avoid water from seeping inside buildings and/or preventing water from leaking out of where they’re supposed

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