Designing the Most Memorable Business Stationery

close up photo of a printer

Having excellent-looking business stationery is one of the best ways to make a great first impression. Even if you haven’t met a client personally yet, your stationery can make you look more professional, reliable, and worthy of their business.

Before you create your business stationery, here are some tips that can help you make the best design:

1. Create an amazing logo

If you don’t have a logo for your business yet, you need to make one before you can print out your business stationery. Your logo should represent your company in a creative and memorable manner, but without overdoing it to the point that it looks tacky. If you can’t create the logo by yourself, hire a professional graphic artist to make one for you.

2. Look for the right sources

Consider what you will be printing your business stationery on and where you will be printing it. Look for businesses that can give you what you need, such as letterpress printers for your business cards or printing service for your invoices, if you can’t print them in-house. Look for good-quality paper as well, or at least for the stationery that you will be presenting to clients.

3. Keep fonts simple

As the general rule of typography states, stick to one to two fonts when creating your texts to make it easier to read. Choose professional-looking, modern fonts, and avoid barely legible novelty or script ones.

4. Leave a lot of space

person designingNo one wants to read a letterhead or a business card that’s too cramped with images and texts. Make sure you maintain a reasonable distance between each character and don’t include any unimportant information that will only take up space. That said, only put the essentials and make sure your message gets across to the reader.

5. Choose colors carefully

The colors on your business stationery don’t have to be exactly the same, but they need to have a similar color palette and aesthetic to maintain cohesion. As much as possible, use a color palette that complements your logo so the whole design will be more pleasing to the eyes. If you need help with choosing colors, use a color wheel and try to create your own color scheme.

6. Consider a border

A border is not a common element of business stationery, mainly because it takes up valuable space. However, it can give your stationery extra personality, so if you think a border will bring your design together, don’t hesitate to add it in.

7. Add a photo to your header

The character can catch a client’s eye, and what’s a better way to incorporate personality into your business stationery than by adding a header graphic. A header can also give you an opportunity to show what your business is all about, instead of just talking about it in your tagline.

Designing business stationery is one of the first steps that companies take to establish themselves as a brand. If you need help designing your stationery, keep these tips in mind to end up with amazing results.

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