I’m the Boss of Me: Top Indicators You Are Ready

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It is easy to get tired of a nine-to-five job. The constant commute to work, the repetitive tasks at the office, and the same environment every day can surely take its toll on you mentally and physically. It also doesn’t help if your job was not something you wanted in the first place, but instead, something you took as a way to pay off bills and make ends meet.

Once you start feeling burnt out and questioning the life choices that led you to where you are, the best option might be to leave your job and start anew. Ideally, you could start your own business and be your own boss this time. However, that might be easier said than done, especially if you have people depending on you.

If you have doubts about taking the leap from employee to being your own boss, the following are the best indicators you are ready to make the change.

You are great at handling stress.

When you are an employee, the stress usually comes from the challenges of the work itself. Once you become the boss, you will face a different kind of stress, the one that comes with being the sole decision-maker of your fledgling business.

As the boss of your own company, you will make all decisions regarding your products and services, from marketing and logistics to finance and even human relations if you will hire employees. It helps if you have friends that have gone through the same role, you can ask them about their experiences and how they were able to deal with it successfully.

You should want to be the boss not because you think it is easier to do, but because you feel that you can take on the responsibility of running the business and do it excellently.

You can adapt well to any situation.

Running a company means you will inevitably meet unforeseen challenges along the way. It may be in the form of a surprise rival, a technological innovation that works against your business, or a problem with your industry in general. A capable business owner should be flexible and decisive, especially in dire times.

Good planning is necessary for your business to start strong, but keep in mind that not everything always goes according to plan. No matter how much thought and effort you will put into planning, there will be things that you can’t control. When these challenges come up, you need to be strong enough to adjust as necessary and firm enough to stick to your decisions.

You excel at building relationships.

Even if you start the business by yourself, you won’t be able to succeed all alone. At some point, you will have to build relationships not just with customers but with other people such as fellow business owners, vendors, logistics personnel, and your own employees.

Building and maintaining a good relationship with customers and other people who work in the business is essential in attaining long-term success. Even though you might work best alone, it surely wouldn’t hurt to have friends who can support you if you need help.

You are open-minded and ready to try new things.


There is a common trait in people who can lead their companies to success, and it’s that they are always open to new ideas. If you stubbornly stick to one way of doing things, you will lose out on all the incredible advancements that technology continues to create for the world. Like a ProfiPack 425 turning old pieces of cardboard into high-quality packaging material, you can use new ideas to improve your old ones significantly.

Learning from other businesses is also advisable because it helps you avoid the mistakes they made while improving your methods with the things they did right.

You want to achieve something more than monetary gains.

If you plan to quit your job and start your own business just so you can sell it down the line for more money, there’s a good chance your drive to succeed will not last. Although it sometimes works, money isn’t always the best motivator, and it’ll be hard to push through with that mindset once your business hits a rough patch, and you start to lose money.

It’s normal to want your company to succeed financially, but it would be better to aim for something more significant as you build your business. Your desire to win will ultimately depend on how much you are willing to give, so dream as big as you can and provide it with everything you have to avoid any regrets.

Some people fear that if they leave their work and the new business does not pan out, they will be left with nothing but regret. But fear is a normal emotion, especially when thinking about the unknown. Feeling fear is a good thing in this context because it gives you more reason to prepare better and work harder for your success.

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