Keep Your Home Storm-ready in Seven Ways

flooding in the village streets

These days, one can never be sure about the weather. In the past, you know what to expect as each season changes. Now, the weather has become so unpredictable. Storms are getting stronger, which prompts homeowners to take extra precautionary measures to avoid as much damage as possible.

Whether you live in a storm-prone region or not, it pays to prepare your home in case disaster strikes. Here are things that you can do to keep your home storm-ready:

Maintain the roof

If there is one part of the house that takes the most impact and damage during a natural disaster, that will be your roof. Even if you see no visible damage after the last storm, you should not be too confident. Hire a local roof expert and have them take care of the storm damage in Utah, where your home is. They can tell you what repairs are due and what steps you can take to avoid sudden leaks and other safety issues.

Clear the gutters and unclog the downspouts

Leaves, dirt, and debris can clog your gutters and downspouts. This can cause water to overflow and enter your home. To prevent water damage, make sure to make it a point to clear your gutters and remove any obstruction in your downspouts. Before the rainy season begins and at least once a week, check these areas to make sure that nothing is clogging them.

Prepare the doors and windows

If you have a broken door or window, fix or replace them asap. Make sure that these are properly sealed. You can use weather-stripping if you’re looking for an affordable sealing solution. It is also a good idea to re-caulk your doors and windows since these may wear or degrade over time. Don’t forget to secure your front door, back door, and garage door.

Get your important documents ready

It is always a good idea to gather your pertinent documents and keep them in a safe area. Don’t forget about your homeowners insurance documents. Check the things that your insurance can cover. In case there is significant damage to your home after a disaster, you’ll know what is covered and what is not.

Protect your air conditioner

Technician fixing HVAC unit

You may be taking your air conditioner for regular maintenance. But your outdoor unit can get damaged due to dirt and debris. Before a storm, make sure to use a protective cover recommended by your unit’s manufacturer. This will help protect your unit’s warranty. Some DIY solutions may offer temporary protection, but then these may cause more harm than good.

Repair broken siding

Any hole, crack, or damage in your siding can worsen when the storm hits in your area. So make sure to inspect your siding and seal up leaks. If your house paint is already wearing off, consider painting it to add an extra layer of protection.

Prepare an emergency kit

Don’t forget about you and your family’s welfare by preparing an emergency survival kit. Make sure that you stock non-perishable goods, clean bottled water, flashlights, batteries, radios, and first aid kits, among other things. Keep them where you can easily access them.

Regular maintenance and repair are the best way to keep your home in great shape. They allow you to keep your home safe and improve your comfort. But additional preparations are a must to keep your house storm-ready.

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