Rated Ten(ant) of Ten: Improving Your Rental Property’s Appeal

rental property

Real estate entrepreneurs know the importance of keeping their properties occupied. If you don’t have any tenants, you’re losing a chance to earn money. If you have tenants at your properties, make sure to tend to all their house needs—provided that it’s within reason.

A landlord has a few responsibilities with regards to their tenant’s residence. The place that they put up for rent should be a safe place of residence for their tenants. It should also be kept habitable through doing the necessary maintenance and repairs an aging home may need.

It isn’t that hard to keep a tenant, especially if you get along with each other. Most of the time, the harder part is attracting a tenant to stay in the first place. Increase your property’s appeal for potential tenants by working on the following factors.

Curb Appeal Is Key

First impressions last, even for houses. The curb appeal of your rental property can make or break your tenant deal. No matter how well a house functions, a person won’t be interested in a dingy and unkempt house. Here are some ways to increase your property’s curb appeal.

Keep your property’s exterior clean by washing it at least monthly. Doing this usually includes the roof and walls. If you have a porch, do repairs if needed and reapply sealant. If the house is starting to lose its shine, a fresh coat of paint can be what it needs to brighten up again.

You also need to maintain your lawn and garden, some of the most important factors in curb appeal. Landscape stores, especially in Salt Lake City, have materials like a sod supply to revitalize your yard or mulch and soil to keep your garden healthy.

Kitchens and Bathrooms


These facilities will be the selling points of your property more often than not—most households tend to use these heavily. Clean them regularly and pay attention to the corners. Spotless corners will lead to a brighter looking room overall.

You don’t necessarily need to remodel to spruce up your rooms. Sometimes it’s the small things that matter. Upgrade your bathroom by changing its fixtures. A clean showerhead and a soft rug to dry your feet on can make your restroom noticeably more comfortable.

Revamp your kitchen by increasing your storage space; use those drawers and counters to the fullest. Reorganize your cooking utensils and consider hanging the ones that are likely to be used often. Easier access will make moving around the kitchen more manageable in the future.

Interior Matters

Make your house feel like a home for interested tenants. There’s more to comfortability than just plush furniture—it is also a combination of environmental elements, such as lighting and room design. Here are a few ideas you should consider when working on your home interior.

While painting your walls is a good way to freshen up your home, don’t get too enthusiastic with the colors. Stick to neutral colors to avoid discouraging possible tenants. Offer to your tenants to repaint it on their own, as long as they restore it to neutral when they move out.

Consider installing various mirrors and windows in the house—natural lighting suits any home. Wall mirrors are useful for making a room look bigger, so it is an excellent choice for the living room. The usage of natural lighting also has the benefit of reducing electricity usage during the day.

Make sure to work within your budget. If you’re unable to do some of these upgrades, focus on emphasizing your property’s best assets instead. Uncontrollable factors, such as general weather conditions or location, might be a priority for some tenants.

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